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Install on Amazon EC2

To quickly spin up a cluster, consider using Cloudformation. See the Amazon Cloudformation.

Use this information for development with in-memory storage only. For deployment planning for AWS, refer to Aerospike Capacity Planning documentation.

Get the Aerospike AMI

You can either use the Aerospike Enterprise Edition AMI on the AWS Marketplace or prepare your own AMI.

Aerospike on AWS Marketplace

  1. In your browser, go to Aerospike AMI on AWS Marketplace.

  2. Click Continue on that page. You are taken to the Launch on EC2 page.

  3. Click Manual Launch tab. Then click Launch with EC2 console for the region you want to use.

Prepare your own AMI

  1. Launch an OS of your choice, then install Aerospike according to the OS you've chosen. For best performance and compatibility, we recommend using server version 6.4 and later with Amazon Linux 2023.

  2. Optionally install the Aerospike Monitoring Stack.

  3. Set the Aerospike service to start on boot.

  • RHEL: chkconfig aerospike on; chkconfig amc on
  • Debian/Ubuntu: update-rc.d aerospike defaults; update-rc.d amc defaults
  • SystemD: systemctl enable aerospike; systemctl enable amc
  1. After you've configured your Namespace and other configuration parameters, create your AMI.

Instance Type

The instance type depends on your RAM requirements for data storage and desired throughput. Aerospike recommends the r3.2xlarge instance, which is suitable for many installations.

For more details about instance types, see Aerospike's Amazon EC2 capacity planning.

Virtual Private Cloud (Networking)

Aerospike recommends deploying to an Amazon VPC. See Amazon's VPC documentation.

Security Group

In your security group, open the following ports for Aerospike communication.

TCP22SSH port for logging into the instance.
TCP3000-3003Aerospike ports for clients and other servers to communicate with this instance.


Launch your instance and ssh to it.

An in-memory test namespace is configured by default. To add storage devices, configure a cluster, and tune your configuration to your hardware, see the Aerospike's configuration details.

Start Aerospike

[ec2-user@ip-xxx-xx-x-xxx ~]$ sudo service aerospike start
Starting and checking aerospike: asd (pid 8166) is running...
[ OK ]

Clustering Aerospike

Multicast traffic is not permitted on AWS. You must form a cluster with the mesh configuration.

ssh to each instance and configure mesh networking on the private IP address for each node.

You should also read Aerospike's clustering recommendations for Amazon EC2.