AsyncClientQuery Method

Overload List

Query(QueryPolicy, Statement) Execute query and return record iterator. The query executor puts records on a queue in separate threads. The calling thread concurrently pops records off the queue through the record iterator.
Query(QueryPolicy, Statement, QueryListener) Execute query on all server nodes and return records via the listener. This method will block until the query is complete. Listener callbacks are made within the scope of this call.

If maxConcurrentNodes is not 1, the supplied listener must handle shared data in a thread-safe manner, because the listener will be called by multiple query threads (one thread per node) in parallel.

Requires server version 6.0+ if using a secondary index query.

Query(QueryPolicy, Statement, ActionKey, Record) Execute query and call action for each record returned from server.
Query(QueryPolicy, RecordSequenceListener, Statement) Asynchronously execute query on all server nodes. The query policy's
dictate how many nodes can be queried in parallel. The default is to query all nodes in parallel.

This method schedules the node's query commands with channel selectors and returns. Selector threads will process the commands and send the results to the listener.

Requires server version 6.0+ if using a secondary index query.

Query(QueryPolicy, Statement, PartitionFilter, QueryListener) Execute query for specified partitions and return records via the listener. This method will block until the query is complete. Listener callbacks are made within the scope of this call.

If maxConcurrentNodes is not 1, the supplied listener must handle shared data in a thread-safe manner, because the listener will be called by multiple query threads (one thread per node) in parallel.

The completion status of all partitions is stored in the partitionFilter when the query terminates. This partitionFilter can then be used to resume an incomplete query at a later time. This is the preferred method for query terminate/resume functionality.

Requires server version 6.0+ if using a secondary index query.

See Also