WritePolicy Fields


commitLevel Desired consistency guarantee when committing a transaction on the server. The default (COMMIT_ALL) indicates that the server should wait for master and all replica commits to be successful before returning success to the client.

Default: CommitLevel.COMMIT_ALL

compress Use zlib compression on command buffers sent to the server and responses received from the server when the buffer size is greater than 128 bytes.

This option will increase cpu and memory usage (for extra compressed buffers), but decrease the size of data sent over the network.

Default: false

(Inherited from Policy)
durableDelete If the transaction results in a record deletion, leave a tombstone for the record. This prevents deleted records from reappearing after node failures. Valid for Aerospike Server Enterprise Edition 3.10+ only.

Default: false (do not tombstone deleted records).

expiration Record expiration. Also known as ttl (time to live). Seconds record will live before being removed by the server.

Expiration values:

  • -2: Do not change ttl when record is updated. Supported by Aerospike server versions >= 3.10.1.
  • -1: Never expire. Supported by Aerospike server versions >= 3.1.4.
  • 0: Default to namespace's "default-ttl" on the server.
  • > 0: Actual ttl in seconds.

Default: 0

failOnFilteredOut Throw exception if filterExp is defined and that filter evaluates to false (transaction ignored). The AerospikeException will contain result code .

This field is not applicable to batch, scan or query commands.

Default: false

(Inherited from Policy)
filterExp Optional expression filter. If filterExp exists and evaluates to false, the transaction is ignored.

Default: null

(Inherited from Policy)
generation Expected generation. Generation is the number of times a record has been modified (including creation) on the server. If a write operation is creating a record, the expected generation would be 0. This field is only relevant when generationPolicy is not NONE.

The server does not support this field for UDF Execute() calls. The read-modify-write usage model can still be enforced inside the UDF code itself.

Default: 0

generationPolicy Qualify how to handle record writes based on record generation. The default (NONE) indicates that the generation is not used to restrict writes.

The server does not support this field for UDF Execute() calls. The read-modify-write usage model can still be enforced inside the UDF code itself.

Default: GenerationPolicy.NONE

maxRetries Maximum number of retries before aborting the current transaction. The initial attempt is not counted as a retry.

If maxRetries is exceeded, the transaction will abort with AerospikeExceptionTimeout.

WARNING: Database writes that are not idempotent (such as Add()) should not be retried because the write operation may be performed multiple times if the client timed out previous transaction attempts. It's important to use a distinct WritePolicy for non-idempotent writes which sets maxRetries = 0;

Default for write: 0 (no retries)

Default for read: 2 (initial attempt + 2 retries = 3 attempts)

Default for scan/query: 5 (6 attempts. See ScanPolicy comments.)

(Inherited from Policy)
readModeAP Read policy for AP (availability) namespaces.

Default: ONE

(Inherited from Policy)
readModeSC Read policy for SC (strong consistency) namespaces.

Default: SESSION

(Inherited from Policy)
recordExistsAction Qualify how to handle writes where the record already exists.

Default: RecordExistsAction.UPDATE

recordParser Alternate record parser.

Default: Use standard record parser.

(Inherited from Policy)
replica Replica algorithm used to determine the target node for a partition derived from a key or requested in a scan/query.


(Inherited from Policy)
respondAllOps For client operate(), return a result for every operation.

Some operations do not return results by default (ListOperation.clear() for example). This can make it difficult to determine the desired result offset in the returned bin's result list.

Setting respondAllOps to true makes it easier to identify the desired result offset (result offset equals bin's operate sequence). If there is a map operation in operate(), respondAllOps will be forced to true for that operate() call.

Default: false

sendKey Send user defined key in addition to hash digest on both reads and writes. If the key is sent on a write, the key will be stored with the record on the server.

Default: false (do not send the user defined key)

(Inherited from Policy)
sleepBetweenRetries Milliseconds to sleep between retries. Enter zero to skip sleep. This field is ignored when maxRetries is zero. This field is also ignored in async mode.

The sleep only occurs on connection errors and server timeouts which suggest a node is down and the cluster is reforming. The sleep does not occur when the client's socketTimeout expires.

Reads do not have to sleep when a node goes down because the cluster does not shut out reads during cluster reformation. The default for reads is zero.

The default for writes is also zero because writes are not retried by default. Writes need to wait for the cluster to reform when a node goes down. Immediate write retries on node failure have been shown to consistently result in errors. If maxRetries is greater than zero on a write, then sleepBetweenRetries should be set high enough to allow the cluster to reform (>= 3000ms).

Default: 0 (do not sleep between retries)

(Inherited from Policy)
socketTimeout Socket idle timeout in milliseconds when processing a database command.

If socketTimeout is zero and totalTimeout is non-zero, then socketTimeout will be set to totalTimeout. If both socketTimeout and totalTimeout are non-zero and socketTimeout > totalTimeout, then socketTimeout will be set to totalTimeout. If both socketTimeout and totalTimeout are zero, then there will be no socket idle limit.

If socketTimeout is not zero and the socket has been idle for at least socketTimeout, both maxRetries and totalTimeout are checked. If maxRetries and totalTimeout are not exceeded, the transaction is retried.

For synchronous methods, socketTimeout is the socket SendTimeout and ReceiveTimeout. For asynchronous methods, the socketTimeout is implemented using the AsyncTimeoutQueue and socketTimeout is only used if totalTimeout is not defined.

Default: 30000ms

(Inherited from Policy)
totalTimeout Total transaction timeout in milliseconds.

The totalTimeout is tracked on the client and sent to the server along with the transaction in the wire protocol. The client will most likely timeout first, but the server also has the capability to timeout the transaction.

If totalTimeout is not zero and totalTimeout is reached before the transaction completes, the transaction will abort with AerospikeExceptionTimeout.

If totalTimeout is zero, there will be no total time limit.

Default for scan/query: 0 (no time limit)

Default for all other commands: 1000ms

(Inherited from Policy)

See Also